Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super Mario All Stars: Limited Edition Review

Super Mario All Stars: Limited Edition (SMASLE for short) is a collection of four super Mario games, a CD and a Mario history booklet.
Now we're going to see the scores!

The box is great. There's a engraved Mario on it. The menu for the game? Nothing much. So it's basically a remake of the SNES version. Big deal. The CD boxart is OKAY. The cover on the booklet is the best as it is an 8-bit Mario made up of little scenes from Mario games. Controls are simple too. The score is...65!

All the classic Mario sounds. Not anything different from the SNES version. SMASLE is a remake. What are you gonna get out of it? I still love it though. Maybe they could change it a bit more. Score is...70!

Good for the early 90's. I didn't feel they needed to make it like New Super Mario Bros. But maybe some changes. The graphics are good. But as I've been saying. This a port of SMAS. The score is...65!

It's four games on one disc. I can't give all of them a score. But I'll put all of them together.
Okay...I think with all those great games...The score is 90!

You play. You play again. Nothing much to say here. The games will keep you addicted if you haven't beat it. But after you're done...PLOP! You're done. Score is...70!

Okay. This game is good. But they needed some changes from the SNES version. The extras aren't that great either. But on the other behalf. You're expecting some good stuff.
Score is...72!

Hope you liked this review. My recommendation scale is on the positive side. But remember, the extras aren't the best. If you want this game for the games. Buy it. All the games are great!