Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Luigi's Mansion Review

I'm sorry I haven't been writing in a while! Anyways. I forgot about the review yesterday. So here it is today!

Luigi's Mansion on the outside looks like a cheesy game. But in reality, face it. It's spookier than you'd imagine. So basically it tricks you. But the game is very spooky. But I'm not the person who likes all that horror stuff. So I have to pretend to be on of those people. Hmm...I think the theme and presentation is well done. I give this a 95.

Very spooky. E. Gadd's voice is also pretty freaky. And of course, if you've played Brawl, you're sure to remember the excellent theme. This gets a 95.

Wait a second...This is a launch title? These are amazing graphics! 100!

So you're Luigi, yada yada yada, and you discover a mansion which is haunted. So that might not be the story but it's sort of the premise. So this old man gives you a super hyper galactic supercalifragilecexpialidocious duper muper amazing vaccum that can suck up ghosts. Easy, right? Well it's not. Luigi's mansion is actually a hard game. The reason it's hard is because it's nothing but a big huge maze. Sucking up ghosts might be easy. But the final boss, ugh...
This gets a 95.

There is no point even touching the disc after you've played it. 10.

This game is great. But if you want a lengthy experience, you can't find that in this game. But my score is 79 with the title of "Good". Hope you have a ghost day! (I screwed up...)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The official Flagpole X youtube channel is here! Recorded straight from an Elgato capture device...Wait a second. El in spanish is the, and gato in spanish is cat. So Elgato means cat? Okay. The link is on the sidebar!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

E3 Cancelled

Sorry. But the E3 reviews won't be happening. I hope this doesn't trouble anyone!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 2011 Part 2: Nintendo

We ended E3 with Nintendo's press conference. And it was great. Here were the games I remembered:
Mario Kart 3DS
Luigi's Mansion 2
Kid Icarus Uprising
Super Mario 3D
Star Fox 64 3D
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Wii U (the new console!)
Super Smash Bros. 4 (or as I call it, Rumble!)
And many many more.

Now let's review!

Look into Shigeru Miyamoto's eyes and you'll be happy. This gets an 100.

Not one Nintendo developed game looked bad. All the games actually looked great. There were also a lot of games. But the best one here goes to the amazing look and feel of Super Mario 3D. I love SMB3 and this game looks like a perfect tribute to it. Luigi's Mansion 2 was also nice too.
This gets a 99.

New Stuff:
For god's sake, Nintendo announced a new console. That's new. But the console didn't seem exciting unless you have to share a TV. It looked nice. But I'm probably getting something else next year, not the Wii U. This gets a 85.

I loved this years conference. I think this was a great conference. Mainly due to the in depth looks of the new 3DS games. Not the Wii U. I give this conference a 94 with the title of "Awesome"

E3 2011 Delay

Okay...I'm not reviewing the press conferences in order. Mainly because I missed a few yesterday, it was getting so late and I woke up at 7 AM (that's EARLY for me, sometimes I wake up at 10:30 AM (I really do) yeah) So here is the order for the next reviews. Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft and maybe EA.

Anyways. I'm sorry for the delay, there will also be only 1 post a day. Even if I watch all of them in one day.

Nintendo's is at 11:30 CT!

Monday, June 6, 2011

E3 2011 Part 1: Microsoft

Microsoft's press conference was a great way to start out every gamers favorite holiday, E3. It's just like the 12 days of Christmas...but with press conferences instead of days. I'm doing a overview of all press conferences expect EA.
Microsoft showed so many games. So I can't go over all of them. I'll name all I can remember.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (My dad likes the CoD series a lot. The graphics look nice)
Tomb Raider
Mass Effect 3
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster
Kinect Fun Labs (Most innovative I've seen so far.)
Disneyland Adventures (Finally! A Disneyland game that isn't dark and depressing!)
Kinect Sports: Season 2
Dance Central 2

But the one that will make all the fans go crazy, was at the very end. Halo 4.

Now I'm going to rate the conference. But in terms of Feel, Showcase and New Stuff

The conference was very nice. The star was Kinect. I'm probably going to get Kinect. All the people had good games, and the conference just had an amazing feel to it.
This gets a 95.

There were some good titles like CoD: MW3, Mass Effect 3 and Kinect Fun Labs. But there were some throwaways like Disneyland Adventures and Kinect Sports: Season 2. (Once Upon a Monster looks like a great game for little kids, so that isn't a throwaway)
This gets a 85.

New Stuff:
Nothing new exactly, A lot of the titles are sequels. Microsoft didn't exactly announce any new add ons. Maybe a Kinect 1.1 would be nice. I think it goes like this, first year announce Kinect and talk about how well it's going to do, second year talk about how well it's been doing, third year talk about how well it's been doing and announce Kinect 2, and do the same thing the next 3 years.
This gets a 50.

The conference was good. But what I heard about last years conference, this one is a step up. And you should watch it due to it's good feel and amazing showcase.
Microsoft's conference gets a 76 with the title of "Good"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wii Sports Resort Review

Hello! I'm listening to DARE for some reason (RANDOM MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!). And I'm ready to review Wii Sports Resort!

There are 12 DARE...Excuse me. Let me turn of the Yes, where was I? There are 12 sports to choose from. Including swordplay, wakeboarding, and basketball. But only 10 of the games are new. They brought back golf and bowling. HOLY CRAP! Why is DARE back on? I guess it was DARE meant for me. I guess I'll have to keep DARE DARE on the DARE computer. Good news, DARE is over. Where was I? Table tennis is the same thing on tennis on the original Wii Sports. But I didn't say 3 CONCEPTS were borrowed. I said 2 sports. The menu looks good. The game was also advertised with the Wii MotionPlus device too, which actually works well.
This gets an 88.

Not bad. But not very memorable either, it's OK. The sound effects are nice though, so this one gets a pass from me. I give this a 70.

Eh. They're OK. Not the best at the time. It is an improvement over the original Wii Sports though. I give this a 60.

Since there are 12 different games on here. I'll look over my 3 favorites, Swordplay, Basketball and Air Sports. (note that only 1 mode for each of the sports will be included.)
The swordplay duel is where you try to knock each other off a platform with a sword. What I don't understand is how they get back up. They fall down from a VERY high platform. And in 5 seconds they get back up? My feeling is that these are wizard Miis, and they magically teleport back up. This game I enjoyed due to it's complete usage of the Wii MotionPlus. Basketball is the least messed up sport that I'm looking over. You play a 3 on 3 pickup game and dribble the Wiimote to dribble (big surprise). And jump and thrust your Wiimote foward to shoot. Air Sports is extremely messed up. I crash my plane into a mountain. And my plane isn't damaged at all? Neither am I hurt. I also fall in lava and water. Get hit by cars. And I'm still alive? Oh no...DARE. It's being turned off DARE right now. There we go! Air Sports might be messed up. But it's still a fun game to play. All the other games are also fun to play. This gets a...95.

This game is extremely replayable. You can earn do special achievements to earn stamps. And all the sports are fun to play over and over again. This gets a 95.

The second best game in the "Wii" series. Second only to Wii Party. The game is fun, re-playable, has tons of sports, and gets an 81 with the title of "Great"