Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hey guys, I um...haven't posted in quite a while...so instead of making some long post that says "sorry for my hiatus," I am just going to write a good ol' fashioned review! About Mario Galaxy! Wait...I already did SMG? Well I'll be darned...I know! Hotel Mario! Wait...I've never actually played that game before? Well...the original Super Mario Bros then! (SNES graphics enhanced version)

The game is light and colorful! A baby could navigate the menu screen, but too simple at this time. I give this a 90.

The most classic song in video games is on here! 100!

The graphics at the time were pretty good compared to the Atari and stuff, but yet I feel there were (S)NES games that looked better, 90.

A formula so perfect that is so perfect of perfectness that is so perfect oh my god perfectness perfect too much perfect! A 100.

Lasting Appeal:
Even though this game is great, it gets old after a while, even though the princess will give you a second quest after you beat the game, it still gets old.
This gets an 85.

This game is great, and deserves a score of....