Saturday, July 9, 2011

Just Dance 2 Review

Before I start this review, I'd like to say that this game is very memorable because I play it with my family a lot. And I mean a lot. I have two cousins who play it with me. But since no categories judge memory, I'm adding 5 points because this is a very memorable game to me. And it's the sequel to the first game I've ever reviewed.

There are 44 songs in this game. And not one was bad. The original had some songs that were bad. But this one had a great mix of great songs. And you can download more. So I give this a 95.

This is where the game is great. The sound. The music is perfect. Sound quality is excellent. I have no choice but to give this an 100.

Everybody complains about how the graphics are bland and unrealistic. But these graphics are what the creators wanted to do. But they aren't the best. So I'm going to give this a 90 for fair measure.

Even a 1 year old can understand it. It's very easy. You mimic the dancer on the screen. And well...that's it. Some moves are lame, some moves are fun and some moves are crazy. I think it's a very good concept. Unlike Dance Dance Revolution which is basically moving your feet up, right, down, left. I did wish they had leg straps that recognized your legs, but they are coming out with Just Dance 3 for Kinect. I give this an 100.

This is a game that is very replayable unlike the first Just Dance. Mainly because this one has better songs, more modes and downloadable content. But some of the modes are bad. So I'm going to give this a 90.

Now this came out strange. I had an average of 95. So that would mean that I would give this game an 100. But I feel it doesn't deserve an 100 or a 95. So for the first time ever. I'm not averaging. And giving my score on this game. And I give a 90.