Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wii Sports Resort Review

Hello! I'm listening to DARE for some reason (RANDOM MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!). And I'm ready to review Wii Sports Resort!

There are 12 DARE...Excuse me. Let me turn of the Yes, where was I? There are 12 sports to choose from. Including swordplay, wakeboarding, and basketball. But only 10 of the games are new. They brought back golf and bowling. HOLY CRAP! Why is DARE back on? I guess it was DARE meant for me. I guess I'll have to keep DARE DARE on the DARE computer. Good news, DARE is over. Where was I? Table tennis is the same thing on tennis on the original Wii Sports. But I didn't say 3 CONCEPTS were borrowed. I said 2 sports. The menu looks good. The game was also advertised with the Wii MotionPlus device too, which actually works well.
This gets an 88.

Not bad. But not very memorable either, it's OK. The sound effects are nice though, so this one gets a pass from me. I give this a 70.

Eh. They're OK. Not the best at the time. It is an improvement over the original Wii Sports though. I give this a 60.

Since there are 12 different games on here. I'll look over my 3 favorites, Swordplay, Basketball and Air Sports. (note that only 1 mode for each of the sports will be included.)
The swordplay duel is where you try to knock each other off a platform with a sword. What I don't understand is how they get back up. They fall down from a VERY high platform. And in 5 seconds they get back up? My feeling is that these are wizard Miis, and they magically teleport back up. This game I enjoyed due to it's complete usage of the Wii MotionPlus. Basketball is the least messed up sport that I'm looking over. You play a 3 on 3 pickup game and dribble the Wiimote to dribble (big surprise). And jump and thrust your Wiimote foward to shoot. Air Sports is extremely messed up. I crash my plane into a mountain. And my plane isn't damaged at all? Neither am I hurt. I also fall in lava and water. Get hit by cars. And I'm still alive? Oh no...DARE. It's being turned off DARE right now. There we go! Air Sports might be messed up. But it's still a fun game to play. All the other games are also fun to play. This gets a...95.

This game is extremely replayable. You can earn do special achievements to earn stamps. And all the sports are fun to play over and over again. This gets a 95.

The second best game in the "Wii" series. Second only to Wii Party. The game is fun, re-playable, has tons of sports, and gets an 81 with the title of "Great"