Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review

Hello! I'm going to review Super Mario Galaxy 2! For some reason everybody LOVES this game. And they have a reason to love it. Let's begin!

There are so many galaxies to explore. And even if you're done with them, you'll still keep coming back to play them over again. I did feel that some of the galaxies were rip-offs from the first game, like the Honeyhop Galaxy and the Haunty Halls galaxy. It felt like they were running out of ideas and had to put new ones in. The score is 90!

Marvelous. All the tracks were wonderful. But some of the tracks weren't as great as the first game. This gets an 89.

You know what, these are the best graphics for the Wii out there. The characters are well detailed. The backgrounds are nice and colorful. You can see every star in space. The score is 100!

Great. Excellent. The gameplay is a gem. All the levels had a fair difficulty and all the controls worked well. Everything was great. This gets an 100.

Personally, I've never played the green star thing. And I don't want to. It's just a pain in the butt to replay the game all over again. I do think it will be fun to go back to the old galaxies and look at them, AND there is a special world after the story mode so it makes up for it. The score is...85!

You're probably thinking the same thing, "Well of course he's going to give this game an 100! It's the best game ever!" Well, you know what? No. I like this game, but something about it just makes me not want to play it. The score is 92 with the title of "Awesome"