Sunday, January 15, 2012

Minecraft Collecter's Challenge

I have a Minecraft survival challenge, get every obtainable block in the game. Yes, every obtainable block. This can be played on any difficulty. You can obtain unobtainable ores with the silk touch enchantment, but you can play it without a silk touch, if you want to, get pickaxe and enchant it if you want to do it the hard way.

This has probably been done before...
So I have a little twist, and that is having only one tool at a time when you're out, see you'll build a base, and when you leave that base, you may only have one tool, so choose wisely and you can only go out four times a full day and night period.

Now here are some rules
*Operating blocks (workbench, furnace, piston, note block, etc) do not have to be crafted unless wanted to, End Stone doesn't have to be collected either.
*Blocks must be placed after collecting in a special area.
*You can use an inventory editor for these items:
*No mods that can help you (TooManyItems, Single Player Commands, etc)
*Don't have to collect every item in the game, just placeable blocks.

Thanks for reading!