Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Super Mario Bros Wii Review

New Super Mario Bros Wii, (We'll call it NSMBW for short) is a side-scrolling game for the Wii. A unique feature about this game is that you can not only play with two players, but you can play at the same time. This feature is extremely cool because this is one of the first simultaneous two person side-scrolling games ever!
A lot of the worlds are extremely well designed. Personally, the eighth world is my favorite.
The way you play the game is cool, You can play it with the Nunchuck or the Wiimote held horizontally. I prefer the Wiimote held horizontally, just because I'm a rightie.

The music never gets old. The way the enemies dance to the "wa-wa" beat is just perfect!

The graphics are good too. It simulates old school games such as the original Super Mario Bros but now with a 3-D look.
There are tons of secrets to find! Especially getting all the star coins and unlocking World 9!
Have other people who want to play? Great! This game probably has the best multiplayer in a Mario game ever! As you can play as four characters and help your friend(s) solve puzzles!

Now let's give it scores!

Great sound! Some of the tracks get a little repetitive though.

Good graphics, It is nice to see all the Mario characters back with new looks!

It functions JUST properly! The controls fit and the way you play is just awesome!

The gameplay is the best! What isn't funner than playing Mario with up to four people at the same time!

Decent presentation, Good for a Wii game.

With star coins and all, This game is great for more replay!

This is a great game! I recommend buying it! it is suitable for almost any player! the multiplayer, the worlds, all just great.

Next up is a review of a game I like to call the "Animation Game" also known as...Flipnote Studio.